All you need to know about Oil Pulling

All you need to know about Oil Pulling


A healthy mouth is vital to your well-being, and Oil pulling plays a significant role in helping the process along. Maintaining good oral health is not an option - but detoxifying your body doesn’t have to be a complicated, mystifying process. 

What is oil pulling?

Oil pulling finds its roots back in ancient Ayurveda and involves swishing oil in your mouth for 5-20 minutes. This age-old regime cleanses your body of toxins and improves oral and general health. Today, Oil pulling is only growing in popularity as people realize its importance. Done regularly, it can strengthen gums and improve dental health - which is why it’s considered an essential practice today. 

The history and science of oil pulling

Oil pulling originated through Ayurveda in India as a way to prevent  oral health problems. Since our mouth is the door to all our body systems, the benefits go well beyond - it was found that oil pulling could help strengthen the immune system and thus avoid many health problems. But how does it work? Oil pulling essentially cleanses your mouth of harmful bacteria and lowers inflammation. The oil manages to clean areas that might otherwise be neglected, all the while naturally whitening your teeth and creating a protective layer between the germs and the bloodstream. 

How to oil pull

Oil pulling has been performed for centuries with results that speak for themselves. Ideally, it is done in the morning, alongside regular teeth brushing. We’ve listed a few simple steps for you to follow below, so you can begin oil pulling with no further ado:

  • Choose an oil. We prefer either organic sesame or coconut oil.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of the oil and place it into your mouth. 
  • Swish the oil in your mouth for at least 5 minutes at first, gradually increasing it up to 20 minutes as you get used to it.  
  • Do not keep it in your mouth for more than 20 minutes.
  • Only rinse and swish - don’t swallow! Oil pulls germs from your mouth, which naturally should be ejected instead of swallowed.
  • Spit the oil out. Do not spit the oil in the drain. Use a bottle.
  • Rinse your mouth.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly.
  • Use the Kaarigar copper tongue scraper, to clean your tongue and complete the process. 
  • Practice Oil Pulling once a day.

copper tongue scraper

Good oral health is crucial for both your general physical health, and complete wellness of the mind. Oil pulling also offers additional benefits like better pH levels maintained, natural cleansing, and a relaxation of muscle tension in the mouth. Oil pulling followed by thorough brushing and tongue cleaning should be a regular procedure for everyone, seeing how easy and beneficial it has proved. So do your research, pick a tongue scraper from our collection - and get started now! 
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