The Healing Qualities of Copper

The Healing Qualities of Copper


Early beginnings: The History of Copper

For thousands of years now, humans have found evidence to support the idea that copper played a massive role in the storage and preservation of food and water. Ancient texts have established that our ancestors were well aware of copper’s antibacterial properties – suggesting that they adopted the practice to safely store their consumables and reduce the risk of infection.
While this practice was very much an effective one, modern advancements in science and purification technology mean that we now have alternate storage methods – be it through chemical preservatives, UV filters, RO Purifiers and the like. The storing of water in metal containers may now sound redundant – but is this the full truth?

The simple answer is no. While copper is absolutely effective as a container to keep things clean, its benefits rise well above this one function. Copper has a host of positive properties, infused or transferred to your water from the host container. Research has long proven that this copper infused water has a host of positive effects on your body, apart from keeping copper deficiency and its effects at bay. In a world where clean drinking water is the number one priority, copper offers a simple solution to keeping water nutritious and healthy – while combating a host of potential bacteria and viruses.

So, with this research and knowledge in mind – would our ancestors have switched away from copper vessels to alternate options?
With the benefits copper has to offer over and above clean storage, the answer is probably no. Copper has rightly always been, and will continue to be, the most effective solution to healthy consumption of water.

Health Properties of Copper

Like Iron, Copper is a key trace element in the human body and does not self generate. That is why we need to ingest it in our daily diet. Our current diets are mostly unbalanced for nutrition. In any case, the best way to consume nutrition is through natural sources instead of chemicals.

Drinking water that is stored in a copper vessel for a few hours helps us consume some of our daily copper needs.

This is vital as copper forms a vital cog in a host of bodily functions, from producing enzymes for energy production to maintaining our metabolic rates and healthy tissue.

Copper Deficiency can be a source of several health issues.

Often genetic factors like malabsorption can also play a role – but this instance might dictate the need for medical intervention as opposed to just increasing copper intake, as our bodies have difficulty in incorporating and absorbing copper from its sources. This lack of copper can then further lead to impaired immunity, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, etc.


The fix is sometimes as easy as a glass of water.

While this serves to keep your water clean and bacteria free, copper infused water comes with its own benefits that have been well documented over the years.

Alkaline water is a proven healthy source for copper. The process of making alkaline water is as simple as storing your water in a copper bottle overnight or for a set number of hours. Allowed to rest, the water will infuse itself with the protective properties of copper – allowing you to enjoy a glass of water that is as refreshing as it is healthy.

Alkaline water is known to aid digestion, weight- loss, fight infections and diseases – and this is just the tip. From anti-ageing properties to its effects against cancer, the full medical benefits of copper are still being studied. What is certain is that copper isn’t going away anytime soon, and for good reason.

Copper Vs Bacteria and Viruses

Recent studies during the pandemic have further served to boost copper's impressive portfolio in fighting disease and harm. A recent article published in the ‘Advanced Materials and Processes’ section of ‘Digital First’ covered the effects copper surfaces can have in combating the novel COVID virus. According to studies, viruses lose all infectious qualities within minutes of exposure to an active copper surface – suggesting there is an increased scope for the usage of copper in fighting this and future pandemics as well. This was accompanied by the irreversible destruction of the viral RNA – doing away with the invader for good and leaving it unable to progress to a new host to wreak havoc. Further studies and refinement are yet required as scientists fully understand the nuances of different strains as well as environmental conditions that can have an impact on this dynamic. What is certain is that it isn’t surprising to see copper associated with yet another positive benefit – it’s simply in its nature.

Copper isn’t just good for you – it’s good for the artisans behind the craft.

Kaarigar features a host of copper products dedicated to your everyday health and wellness, as laid out in the article above. But all our products are handmade and sourced directly from traditional artisans back in India – ensuring they’re given fair value for the outstanding work done with this regenerative metal.

Copper is clearly a popular metal to work with, as studies have shown. A host of companies have therefore taken to providing copper products at cheaper prices. What isn’t visible to the eye is that the copper is generally substandard – and thus may eventually do more harm than good.

From water bottles to give you refreshing alkaline water, to copper ornaments and bracelets, Kaarigar sources nothing but the best for you – ensuring that you benefit from copper’s vibrant properties, while traditional artisans continue to remain motivated and supported enough to carry on working with copper – pouring a millennia of skilled craft and health benefits into the rustic product before your eyes.

Interested in browsing through our handmade copper products? Follow the link to begin your Kaarigar journey, today!

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