Almost all garden tools used globally are either iron or steel. They are cheap and widely available. But are they helping your plants and the soil??
1. Iron is Magnetic so when you use iron tools, the magnetism of the soil gets disturbed. Copper is non magnetic so it allows the natural flow of energy forces.
2. Iron is a base metal and will rust or corrode over time. Copper (along with gold and silver) is a Noble Metal. Copper will never rust of corrode. Pure Copper will tarnish over time and develop an "antique finish. Thus your Copper Garden Tools will last a very very long time.
3. Have problems with Slugs and Snails but don't want to kill them ? Using Copper Tools helps leave trace amount of copper in the soil. This causes confusion with their signals and are repelled from the area where copper has been used. We, and all other mammals, have iron in our blood. That is why our blood is red. It enables each of us to have our own independent magnetic field, anchored on our blood. Slugs and snails do not have iron in their blood. Their blood contains haemocyanin, based on copper. This means that they do not have an independent magnetic field. As copper is conductive, they are highly sensitive to the Earth’s field. As they move along the ground, they are subject to the lines of magnetic force generated by the rotating core of the Earth.
So when the slug approaches your plants, it loses its GPS signal (so to speak) and is lost. Saves your vegetables/fruits and more importantly you have not harmed the slug.
Are They Made Of Pure Copper?
Pure Copper is too soft to make the tools. The Kaarigar Copper Garden Tools are made using Bronze, which is a copper alloy (80% Copper and 20% Tin). This is what gives the tolls the hardness to last you for a very long time.
Switch to Copper and see the difference.