How to Meditate The Right Way

How to Meditate The Right Way


As we are all aware, meditation has several benefits. From helping us find peace of mind and a sense of calmness, to lowering stress levels, meditation takes us to a better place. Moreover, meditating regularly helps improve our concentration and productivity, and to some extent pumps up energy levels. Meditating regularly is essential - as long as it’s done the right way!

Here’s our guide to mindful meditation:

What is meditation and how it makes a difference

Meditation is not a complex process. If anything, it is liberating. Something as simple as focusing on your breath can alter your stress levels drastically, helping you live a better life both in body and mind. But meditation takes time and technique - it isn’t as easy as curling your fingers and adopting a pose. When you are new to meditation, your mind will be restless, flooded with thoughts and on the move, as it’s been trained to do. But when you settle into the routine and develop this habit through consistent practice, you will notice the changes yourself: the emptying of your mind becomes easier, as does controlling your thoughts and emotions. Meditation can help you regulate and reduce everything from rage, to hunger pangs, emotional turmoil, impatience and the like.

How to meditate the right way

Everyone can meditate, and should. You can start with creating a comfortable space for yourself and setting a timer. Then ease into it and forget the rest of the world for those moments. Be kind to yourself and understand that achieving complete concentration will only come with time. Follow the steps given below for effective meditation: 

  1. Sit somewhere silent
    Meditating amidst nature is the most ideal location for the activity, so you can head to a nearby park to sit comfortably under a tree or by the lake. You can also do this with lights off at home in a room with no noise. Convenience and comfort is key!
  2. Time yourself
    This is important to note how long you are able to sit in one place, focus, and relax at the same time. As you become more adapted to the activity, you can increase your time.
  3. Focus on your breathing
    The most crucial part of meditation is the ability to understand your breathing. Let the sound of taking in and releasing oxygen distract you from the surroundings around you.
  4. Pay attention to your body
    Feel how this exercise makes your body and mind feel. Every time you breathe in, and for every count you exhale - how does your body change?
  5. Don’t let wandering thoughts affect you
    There will be plenty of thoughts that will come to your mind. This is natural - don’t let it frustrate you. Accept each thought as it comes, and let it go.  Try and focus on your breathing or the rhythms in your body, and you’ll find your thoughts slowing with time.
  6. Finish slowly
    Once you feel ready or your time is up, slowly open your eyes and stay there for a minute. Take in everything around, as you come back to reality.

Make it a habit 

Put reminders to help you take time out in your schedule to meditate. As with any habit, consistency is paramount. Do it often, and it’ll be a part of your lifestyle in no time. 

Sri Yantra Mats

Kaarigar Sri Yantra Meditation Mat


At Kaarigar, we craft an exquisite Sri Yantra design mat that is perfect for meditation.

A Yantra is a geometrical shape or object that is said to aid meditation. Sri Yantra is the King of all Yantras, and is said to evoke the goodness of the entire universe. This mat, made by artisans back in India, has the Sri Yantra pattern printed on it alongside 4 incredible pure copper plates in each corner. Their role, traditionally, is to provide grounding and prevent the energy you create during meditation from dissipating.

Mastering the art of meditation comes with time and practice. It can’t be aced in one day. People often include it as a part of other daily activities, from workouts to their Yoga routines. Meditation is known to be highly therapeutic, and is often the most natural cure to stress or pent up emotions. Immerse yourself in meditation and give your mind the support it needs to find peace, everyday. 

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